Where are they Now?
Many former students have asked about the sisters who taught at the Academy. Below is their most recent photo taken in July, 2013. We have also included a little information about what they are doing today.
Sr. Mary Mark Bartoo
Sr. Mary Mark Bartoo lives in the Sister's Residence at St. Paul Hermitage. She knows every inch of St. Paul's and keeps it running on a daily basis.
Sr. Patricia Dede
Sr. Patricia Dede worked in parish ministry after leaving the classroom. Prior to her returning to the Monastery, she worked at St. Cecelia's Parish in Clearwater, Florida. Today Sr. Pat works with hospice patients.
Sr. Louise Hoeing
We all know the term, "it's hard to keep a good woman down?" Well in the case of Sr. Louise Hoeing, it's hard to get her to slow down! After leaving the Academy in 1975, Sr. Louise began the rest of her teaching career at Bishop Chatard High School until her retirement in 2013.
Sr. Heidi Marie Krack
Sr. Heidi Marie Krack also continues to educate young people. Presently she teaches at St. Matthew School in Indianapolis. Now, instead of teaching high school age students, she prepares the young students for high school.
Sr. Jeanne Voges
[Sr. Mary Hubert]
Sr. Renee Wargel
Sr. Jeanne Voges did more than change her name since teaching at the Academy - she also changed careers. After leaving the classroom, Sr. Jeanne began a new career - one that took her as far away from home to Cali, Columbia where she served the people if that area and then closer to home in Newburgh, Indiana as a Pastoral Associate. Sr. Jeanne retired to the Monastery in 2011.
Sr. Renee Wargel loved music from a very early age and that love of music has stayed with her throughout her life. Her great passion for music spilled over into the classroom as she taught music for most of her time as an educator. Sr. Renee retired in 2013 and uses her talents for the community as she continues to love music.
Sr. Renee Wargel loved music from a very early age and that love of music has stayed with her throughout her life. Her great passion for music spilled over into the classroom as she taught music for most of her time as an educator. Sr. Renee retired in 2013 and uses her talents for the community as she continues to love music.
Sr. Harriet Woehler
Sr. Rosemary Braun
July 2, 1973
Sr. Therese McFall
December 26, 1975
Sr. Margaret Schafer
October 10, 1981
Sr. Cleophas Wolf
October 30, 1981
Sr. Mary Adrian Dauby
July 9, 1987
Sr. Scholastica Harpenau
April 13, 1988
Sr. Petronilla Fritz
August 18, 1989
Sr. Valeria Blessinger
February 24, 1992
Sr. Mary Philip Seib
February 11, 1995
Sr. Lauretta Wolf
October 10, 1995
Sr. Mary Lambert Buss
February 2, 1997
Sr. Mary Robert Palemr
March 4, 1997
Sr. Irmingard Fritz
April 24, 1998
Sr. Marguerite Hunter
January 31, 2000
Sr. Rosalinda Hasenour
October 20, 2001
Sr. Marietta Lueken
June 1, 2003
Sr. Mary Johnathan Schultz
June 26, 2005
Sr. Eileen Price
March 21, 2006
Sr. Freida Scheessele
March 31, 2006
Sr. Vincetta Wethington
April 8, 2006
Sr. Mary Patrick Lenges
December 17, 2007
Sr. Mary Cecile Deken
February 1, 2009
Sr. Catherine Gardner [Mary Clarence]
April 6, 2011
Sr. Mildred Wannemuehler
August 1, 2012
Sr. Juanita Maschino
October 11, 2012
Sr. Mary Judith Howe
February 23, 2013
Sr. Emily Emmert
January 19, 2018
Sr. Eugenia Reibel
July 14, 2019
Sr. Mary Gilbert
February 2, 2020
Do these faces look familiar?
[Click on image to enlarge]